Creative writing, yes it's confusing to most.
How does words on paper make a writer? Isn't there requirements to be a "real" writer?
"Well if you write then it must be on a topic or same types of topics."
And my favorite assumption, if you're not being paid then logic of most muggles is that there is such a thing as a fake writer.
Oh jeez... the amount of sarcasm & comments I bite back I should win a metal. Lol so who decided that things and talents and ppl came in predetermined boxes anyways? The limits of the mind are a choice! Nothing is impossible with a little willpower & determination.
Ya, I'm one of "those ppl"
I write everything & its public. I am openly myself, and I'm learning to accept it. I'll never be a neat freak, there's dishes in my sink, clothes from the dryer rarely find their way home & sleep on the floor, I rather wander or do something with my kids then detail clean. I work and stress is my enemy, so I take care of myself & make time a priority with the ppl I care about.
Riches aren't things you can buy, it's the little things we take for granted. A child's innocent & honest chatter, the toddler meltdowns, the back to school errands, the bills knocking on my door, someday the details I tend to dread won't be around & if I don't cherish every moment along the way, I'll wake up realizing I missed my life planning it.
There's an odd peace settling in my soul. With scary, terribly stressful issues all around me, I'm finding my heart calm. I'm loving my memories, good & bad for getting me here, I'm treasuring where I am at, who I am, & what I have. Because life is messy, people are imperfect and hurt other people, issues are always sneaking up. I can either focus on the negative or celebrate the positive I do have.
Although my heart aches for things like second chances, lost loves, & to rewind time & decisions, I've learned to recognize its okay to choose to be happy & still miss the good memories of the past. I've had rocky ups & downs & still do, but there's life in living presently in today. Freedom & a relaxing awareness of things as they are being perfectly imperfect. Who knows what tomorrow will bring but I'm enjoying every step, misstep, & circles I take.
Writers simply are.
Writing simply is.
Life simply continues wonderfully.
Choices lead to paths we didn't know we'd take, & its creating a life we never could guess would be ours, yet there's soo much beauty in life beyond are limited imaginations. Mystery is a great adventure. Never give up.
; Jenah Resurgam