Tuesday, February 11, 2014



^Deepak Chopra on Love


Let me start this with an early Happy Valentine’s Day to my readers!


I’m having a wonderful time reading up on Deepak Chopra’s views on alternative science and love in this article and many others of his. I posted a quote by him on my work computer as well for inspiration.


*~* "The universe has no restrictions. You place restrictions on the universe with your expectations." - Deepak Chopra *~*


I am finding his views to be amazing encouragement and perhaps this article and his writing will encourage both the singles and the ones in relationships. “To find the right one, become the right one.”  Very powerful phrases and ideas.


So many people focus on excuses, trying to find the “perfect” match. Love is so much more then brain waves and emotions towards another. It’s much deeper than that. I hope this man inspires you like he has for me today.





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